My appreciation for nature and travelling
and a deep passion and love for food lead me to create the VIRE
How it all started
While traveling over the country and the world the limitations of gas based cooking solutions were clear and frustrated.
The vision was to create an easy to carry, easy to use, durable and efficient Rocket Stove.
After months of development process and a lot of help from good friends we finally
have a one in a kind great solution for green compatible outside cooking.
"The VIREstove story started
with a need, a vision
and a passion of one person"
What we did to make it special
The unique design of this Revolutionary Full Size Rocket Stove,
The VIREstove, allows you to fold the Stove in to "Tablet" size in seconds. You can simply carry it in your backpack or keep it in your trunk or just take a walk with it and it is ready to use at any time.
VIREstove is environmentally friendly and frees you from carrying gas or any other artificial burning materials.
VIREstove’s patented design allows you to fold and unfold the Rocket-Stove in seconds, that means you will enjoy the benefit of a full size Rocket Stove that is portable enough to easily carry anywhere when you are flying, driving or hiking.
#Just find a place to camp and your VIREstove is ready to use.
VIRE founder and developer Shay Fluksman first discovered the Rocket Stove technology during a Green Apprenticeship in Kibbutz Lotan located in the Israeli Desert.
Center for Creative Ecology
Kibbutz Lotan
It’s really simple. We’ve improved on the well known Rocket-Stove concept by making it totally portable.
Rocket Stove heat is extremely efficient because of the accessibility of air straight into the fire zone.
Organic material is the feedstock and it is available everywhere.